The last seven days we listened, sprinted, created and strummed our way to the end of the amazing week!
We started the week off with a fascinating talk on the Jewish religion by a parent named Mr. Weinburger.
On Tuesday, the whole of Year 6 inteviewed Mr Barber to gather information in order to practise our biography-writing skills. Mr Barber gave a thorough talk on his career and life, whilst we scribbled down notes and asked questions for an hour and a half! We were very amused and surprised, especially hearing about his approach to learning times tables in Year 3.
The day after, a group of Yr 6 and 5's went to St Bedes to participate in a tiring athletics tournament. With enormous amounts skill, we won coming first with 278 points !! Many members of our class participated and we were especially proud of Dylan who won the javelin throwing contest.
Wednesday was not just all about sport. Harry and Ollie helped some Year 4s with their homework, showing what great role models we are. We also pretended to present to Bristol City Council on proposed energy saving measures with ideas gathered from trials held at Totnes. We were interested to find out that they have a Totnes pound, just like we have a Bristol pound here.
On Thursday we were thoroughly entertained by the guitar assembly (which Christian took part in), then enjoyed French and PE in the afternoon.
Friday saw us finishing off our biographies, Charlie and Glori went to school council
and we prepared the room for the Christmas Bazaar tomorrow. Phew!
Anushay was a great Star of the Week and we all enjoyed her thunk, 'What 6 things would we turn to gold and why.' Luke will be star next week. His thunk is 'If you could go into space, what would you most like to do or see?'
Oh yes...the Christmas tree is up, the postbox is ready and the cakes have been decorated. It's nearly time for Christmas!